Among Equals- More than a brand. Each Bilum tells its weavers own personal story, hand crafted in Papua New Guinea.
Every Among Equals Bilum is unique, a one-of-a-kind work of art particular to the weaver and her home in Papua New Guinea. Traditionally, these bags were used to carry hefty loads such as oranges and potatoes, and even serve as hammocks for sleeping babies. Today, we celebrate their art - each bilum bag captures the weavers craft and her story.
Bilum from the Sepik are distinct in their weave and style; fibre is sourced from surrounding vegetation including the Sisal and Pandanus plant, laboriously beaten, twisted into string and then woven.
Weavers expertly utilise natural dyes made from plants, ochres and berries to enhance their patterns.
Among Equals is a non for profit organisation turning these beautiful artisans work into a viable means of empowering these communities, these weavers and their families through International trade.
Beautiful, meaningful and functional. Among Equals is stocked at The Honour Store.
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